Sacramental Preparation
We must go to this Child, this Man, the Son of God, at whatever inconvenience, at whatever risk to ourselves, because to know and love him will truly change our lives. ~ St. John Paul II
We all are invited into relationship with God through Jesus and His Church. Each of us is on a spiritual journey. What matters is not where a person is on that journey, but being on the journey itself. We welcome all, regardless of the stage of their spiritual life, their struggles, or their past. What we do expect of each person is that they be willing to take the "next step" on their faith journey. The journey we are invited to is lifelong and we don't believe anyone completes it on this side of Eternity.
Whether you have been journeying at Christ the King Parish for a long time or have recently joined us, we would like to invite you to consider taking a concrete next step.
Infant Baptism
If you have recently welcomed a new baby into your family, or are expecting, congratulations! For infant baptism ( up to age 7, approximately), we offer a workshop for parents. The next sessions are in October. Contact the parish office with questions or fill out the form below and someone will contact you as soon as possible.
Please fill out the form here and someone will contact you about the next upcoming baptism series . Meanwhile, please contact Patti to schedule a personal visit.
First Reconciliation & First Eucharist
If you're interested in the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist for your 2nd grade child, please plan to participate with your children in our Families Forming Disciples beginning September 24. Use the QR Code above to find more details, schedule, and to register. Mark your calendar for Parent Orientation on 9/9/24, 7:00 pm in the Lower Center. Here is a checklist for parents wishing to help their child prepare for the sacraments.
Contact Patti Cassidy in the parish office with questions. 728-3845 ext. 228
Our diocese is now welcoming youth grades 5-12 to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Preparation for this Sacrament will begin in early 2025.
Please Call the parish office for more information.
Adults who are seeking the Sacrament of Confirmation should contact Patti in the parish office. Contact info below.
Please contact Fr. Kirby Longo in the parish office at least six months in advance to begin preparation for the Sacrament of Matrimony.
We offer fall and spring preparation for engaged couples and encourage you to complete the preparation at least three months prior to your wedding date.
Christ the King Parish Office - 406-728-3845
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA)
OCIA (Formerly RCIA) is the normal way for unbaptized persons to become Catholic. The Order of Christian Initiation is designed for adults (and children of at least seven years of age) who,… consciously and freely seek the living God and enter the way of faith and conversion as the Holy Spirit opens their hearts. By God's help they will be strengthened spiritually during their preparation and at the proper time will receive the sacraments fruitfully. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Introduction #1)
The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) is a process of inquiry and introduction, nurturing growth, reflection and, ultimately, initiation through the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and the Eucharist for unbaptized persons. The process begins by meeting with a “Welcome Ambassador.” Regular meetings, community gatherings, and participation in a variety of events, activities and ministries are all part of the journey of becoming Catholic. For those who are already baptized; see “Becoming Catholic” below. Contact Patti Cassidy or click on the “contact me” to set up a visit.
Bishop Vetter Confirming a recently baptized young woman.
Interested in finding out more about God, Faith, Sacraments, the Catholic Faith, or adult Confirmation?
“Come and See”
on Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Or, click on the link below and someone will contact you.
For more information on any of these Sacraments, please Contact Patti Cassidy, Director of Discipleship,
at 406-728-3845 ext. #228, or email